Travel the world for less

For the past 12 years, our family has traveled internationally 5-6 times per year. 36 countries and counting! We never get tired of visiting Italy, France, Spain, and the UK, and we’ve been to each multiple times. We have a family tradition of visiting Europe over the Thanksgiving holiday (usually Italy or Spain). 

Our friends marvel about how we can afford to do so much international travel. Our Thanksgiving tradition is part of our secret. We have often remarked that we can do a family trip to Rome for half the cost of another family’s vacation to Orlando. Typically we are able to find flights to Europe for $500 or less, and occasionally under $300. The key is to follow the deals. 

Most people will choose a date or destination first then go searching for airfares. What we do is watch the feed of deals until we see one that appeals to us and then jump on it. 

So what’s this magical “feed” of deals? You can do it the hard way by setting up a bunch of Flight Alerts and follow a lot of forum discussions, or you can do it the easy way by signing up for a service that will email airfare deals to your inbox. 

Here's our recommendation

person in a plane flying at high altitude taking photo of left airplane wing during daytime
person in a plane flying at high altitude taking photo of left airplane wing during daytime
canoe boats on body of water
canoe boats on body of water
the inside of an airplane with seats and a television
the inside of an airplane with seats and a television